Lightning fast voyage estimations

The connected calculator.

At a glance

  • Integrate distance calculations within your workflow
  • Cut calculation time with dynamic updates
  • Eliminate time-consuming, error-prone manual data inputting
  • Improve accuracy with real-world input

Start using Sea/calc

Sea/calc is a web based tool, meaning you can access it from anywhere with an internet connection.


Online training will be provided for all teams (chartering teams, operational teams and other stakeholders).

Each team will be access and utilise Sea/calc for different purposes so we have designed specific training sessions to suit your objectives. Lookout for the recorded training sessions hosted here.

Get to know Sea/calc

Watch this 30 minute Sea/calc overview to understand how you can make lightning fast calculations.

Quick links

Internal Support - Key contacts

Technology Support (Provided by the SeaFix/ team)

Customer support: Sea/ Support

Help centre documentation: Sea/ Help

Platform announcements

This website has been prepared by Maritech Group for the purposes of onboarding Rio Tinto to the SeaFix/ platform. The site is not indexed on search engines and is only available to those who have access to the direct URL. Data collected within this site will only be shared with Rio Tinto. Please do not share this site with external parties.