Welcome to a joined up world

Your end-to-end fixture management solution

SeaFix/ is a collection of online applications that aid the management of fixtures, providing benefits and efficiencies at each stage of the process. The modules work together to provide a joined-up flow of data from the start of a fixture (where you are gathering intelligence) through to execution (where you are negotiating a fixture), to documentation (where you draw up charter parties) to monitoring (where you can visualise the voyage itself and report on performance).

Key benefits

  • One platform, one login, one-time data entry to save you time
  • Bespoke to you to keep you focused on what matter most
  • Real-time data and alerts so you never miss an opportunity
  • Builds corporate intelligence to provide a more holistic view of performance
  • Available across desktop, mobile and tablet - whenever and wherever you need it
  • Future proof for coming regulations and transparent workflows
  • A solution that has been built by shipping professionals for shipping professionals

Becoming an expert

SeaFix/ will start to be used at Rio Tinto on 5 July 2021.

We have a host of training and resources that will be available to you between now and then to ensure you are confident in using the new platform.

Here's what you can expect over the coming weeks:

Get to know SeaFix/

  • What
  • Why
  • When

Understand the background and decision to implement SeaFix/ and how it will benefit your day to day working and meet the objectives of the business.

Become an expert

  • Meet your internal Focal Points who will help your onboarding processes
  • Join team specific online training sessions
  • Read and watch 'Get started guides' to supporting your learning

Get hands on

  • Start to put your knowledge to the test by experiencing the software first hand
  • Ask for help and get one-to-one support where you need it most.

Ready for go Live

SeaFix/ trial will go live at Rio Tinto on 5 July 2021 and all transactions will go through the platform.

What will SeaFix/ mean for you?

Select the role that best suits you below and find out more about what SeaFix/ will mean to you and the modules that you'll be using in your day to day.

Marine Chartering

Responsible for the chartering process at Rio Tinto.

Marine Operations

Responsible for voyage operations including technical performance and strategy.

Other Stakeholders

All teams that have any interface with Shipping area.

How will SeaFix/ be adopted?


If you work in a chartering, operations or within a respective stakeholder team, SeaFix/ will impact how you work in some way. Between now and the end of June team specific communications will be sent out explaining what this means. You'll have access to introductory sessions, resources, demo environments, formal online training, support from internally appointed 'focus points' and support of the technology partner at Sea/.

In our day-to-day roles of fixture management and freight transaction management, we collaborate frequently with counterparties, who will also have access to some of the SeaFix/ modules, in order that everyone can realise the full potential of the technology solution.


As you start to get more familiar with the modules within SeaFix/ we will start to communicate our move to trial SeaFix/ to our external counterparties. This will include vessel owners and brokers, who will go through a similar onboarding process to become knowledgable and proficient in the number of the modules so that we can collaborate effectively. Many of these counterparties may already be using some of the modules in their own capacity or with other charterers.

You can connect with them on Sea/chat, negotiate a fixture via Sea/trade or work with them across a charter party on Sea/contracts.

With training and onboarding starting early, it ensures that everyone feels confident to go live with the trial system in July 2021.

SeaFix/ and Veson

Sea/contracts is a partner of the Veson IMOS Platform (VIP), which means once your contract is fixed in Sea/contracts the details are seamlessly transferred to VIP and available for all downstream workflows. This partnership allows you to streamline your processes, avoids duplication of data entry and increases visibility and traceability throughout your processes.

Get started with Sea/contracts now and seamlessly continue your post fixture commercial workflows in VIP.

More questions?

Submit a question via our FAQ page and we'll publish the answer so everyone can benefit.

Quick links

Internal Support - Key contacts

Technology Support (Provided by the SeaFix/ team)

Customer support: Sea/ Support

Help centre documentation: Sea/ Help

Platform announcements

This website has been prepared by Maritech Group for the purposes of onboarding Rio Tinto to the SeaFix/ platform. The site is not indexed on search engines and is only available to those who have access to the direct URL. Data collected within this site will only be shared with Rio Tinto. Please do not share this site with external parties.